Market Man

Market Man
Oil on Panel

I am not happy with this. I am not happy for several reasons. I did this for a Weekend Drawing Event on Wetcanvas. Some days I fight like a mad woman for colors. A good portion of those times I lose horribly. Today was one of those.

I post this because it is an attempt. My ego wants to make all kinds of excuses for the bad painting. I wasn't working from life. I was working off a computer screen. I got interrupted. I couldn't get in the zone. I really do need to take a portrait class so I can learn how to mix skin tones. I suppose all of those excuses will work, but the end result is.. a bad painting, no matter how you look at it. (Hmm.. I haven't looked at it upside down yet.. there might be hope!)

I guess I will just accept it for what it is and move on.

I am really having the urge to dig out the dry media and do something a little more in my comfort zone to get the ego boost. I figured out a new way to get sketches up on a canvas. I will have to share that at a later date. For now, I really need to do something that will make my poor ego feel better.