
David Rourke has me thinking about goals.

First off, let me explain my goal making process. For Pagans, the year ended October 31st. (I claim no religion, I simply know about a few) As it pertains to goal making, this makes much more sense than starting in January. Starting November, the holidays begin to sneak away at your time and the next thing you know, that last thing(s) on your list goes undone because you run out of time. However, if you start your goals in November, you start slow, but get an opportunity to catch up later. While some may argue that the holidays will short your beginning momentum, about the time you need to kick it into gear and get back into a normal routine the rest of our society is talking about making progress and doing the same thing. It is like a booster shot of goal adrenaline.

    The current projects I am working on are
  • Woman with a Lute
  • Because I Miss Her
  • The Structure of Man.
  • I would like to finish those up, of course.

    Some of my other goals are:
  • Learn to use composition rules effectively.
  • Learn to use color effectively.
  • Fill my small pocket sized sketchbook.
  • Do at least one Silverpoint drawing.
  • Complete enough paintings/drawings to participate in at least one of the local art shows.
  • Complete at least one contemporary/surreal piece.
  • Complete at least one real self portrait
  • Get in the practice of reviewing my goals monthly and mark my progress.
  • Produce a portfolio/body of work so I can make more goals

These are not nearly as lofty as some goals I have seen. I will struggle with a few of them. I am so fearful of putting my work in Art Shows it is ridiculous. The thought of it has paralyzed me into creative block and complete lack of motivation. I actually quit going to the studio right after putting work in a show. I felt absolutely unqualified. I am going to concentrate on producing the work. When that is done, I will tackle the fear of the show seperately. I have 10 canvases and several full sheets of paper to get completed.