A faucet could represent a lot of things. It could be the beginning of a flow, or the source of nurturing waters. It could be the means to which something is retrieved. In my case it could be all of those things and a representative of the last name Faucett which is my maiden name.
I am not sure if I will ever do an allegorical piece. For now, I am just making a collection of ideas that might support it.
I wanted to go with the flow, which is pretty much in line with your drawing. Excuse all the puns.
I just finished working on the sketchbook project and while it was challenging it was so rewarding and a reminder of how much I enjoy sketchbook work. Happy sketching.
The leaves I painted as a child continue to decorate my world, my dreams and I continue to follow the leaves.....
* I will take a picture of the luminary and post it. I think you might like it too.