The next two sketches are just objects on my front porch. The soon to be famous "Rock" and my coffee cup. My understanding of perspective as it relates to atmosphere is not as much of an issue. For some reason, that comes much more natural for me. My understanding of perspective as it relates to line placement seems to be a huge issue.

It is also very important that I start thinking in geometric terms. While my concentration is on spherical objects, I need to find the spheres in everyday objects. I need to discover intersections and follow them.
Learning to understand what I see is challenging. I am forcing myself to stop assuming I know this information already and look at things with a fresh evaluation. It isn't as easy as it sounds. What I think I know wants to leak in and take charge. It is really too bad I can't take pieces of my brain and hit the delete key so I can fill it up with more accurate information. It works in a word processor.
If you are really interested, I also wrote down some numbers on that page with a cup to use on the Lottery. I generally do not play the lottery, but I have been feeling incredibly lucky lately, so .. why not?
Technorati tags:
3D, Art, Drawing, Lines, Perspective, rock, sketch, sketchbook, sketching, visualization