While I sit in my home and whine about my son leaving for college in August, there is a mother trying her best to hold back tears as her son or daughter prepares to go to Iraq. If it is possible to negotiate some "God" time, can I give my turn to her?
While I brag about my oldest daughter moving just 45 minutes from my home, there is a father counting the days until his son or daughter steps a foot back in our country. While I am so thankful for the safety for my child I have to ask that his child return to him just as safe.
It is hard to imagine when you are lacing up their tennis shoes that one day they might be lacing up a pair of military boots. We teach them to be team players. We teach them to be proud of their country. We teach them to do what is right. We never imagine that one day we might regret that they listened. God, please remind them that we said we loved them too. Don't forget to tell them we are proud of them while you are at it.
Thank you for this wonderful country. Thank you for my amazing family. Thank you for my beautiful home. On this day, at this time, I would like to give extra thanks for all of the young men and women who are doing their best to make sure that all I treasure so dearly remain safe. Thank you for the moms and dads who are over there wishing they could light a sparkler for their little one. Thank you for the grandfathers or grandmothers that are missing the hometown parade with their children and grandchildren. And God, if I missed anyone, most especially, thank you for them because I don't want to leave a single soldier out.
Please God, keep an eye on those of us who are remembering the ones that have fallen. If you can, please forgive us for being a little angry that our prayers to bring them home safely were not answered. While we all know their reasons for going and we are proud they they did what they believed was right, we miss them. Before they were soldiers, they were brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, aunts and uncles.. they were cousins. We just wish we could have given them one more hug before they left.
.. And God,
Please tell Tony I am sorry I smashed his sandcastles.
- Amen