Oil on Panel
"Basically, Those who continue to make art are those who have learned how to continue - or more precisely, have learned not to quit." - Art and Fear
This is me "not quitting". I have been on a bit of a painting disaster run lately. I want better results. No - I demand better results! I noticed that my attitude has a specific pattern. When I first started picking up paint a few months ago, I thought everything was wonderful. "Oooh.. look at that!" Every brush stroke was a marvelous surprise and I loved everything I painted. (Just because I painted it) I enjoyed painting. I enjoyed the results of painting. I loved all the colors! When the new wears off and I start upping the ante on quality I hate absolutely everything I do. (and did) As I discovered in drawing, the root of the problem is not subject matter or even in my ability. I become impatient that now that I have figured a few things out, why must I continually be in practice mode. Where is the dang masterpiece? I want to skip the steps between learning the initial basics and masterpiece. I want things like perspective to come easy to me once I have done a correct perspective drawing - for example. I want sketching to be a simple task after a page of sketches. I am probably not going to ever see that happen. I will probably have to go to Plan B: "Be patient" It is easy to do that with anyone but myself.
After a few months' practice, David lamented to his teacher 'But I can hear the music so much better in my head than I can get out of my fingers'. To whichs the master replied, 'What makes you think that ever changes?' - Art and Fear
I really like the shadow shape on the wall that this belt makes when the light hits it. I think this would be a great part of a still life. I didn't quite find the cream color I was looking for, but for the sake of time and the lack of good light to work under I used what I had mixed up. This was to be more of a proportion study than anything and I did a little better in the initial drawing than I have been able to accomplish lately.
I am getting quite a collection of "Things you find in my garage". I enjoy painting out there. I don't enjoy the heat, but that is a small thing compared to the endless supply of subject matter and the great view out the garage door. It is quiet and peaceful out there. Last night it was me, a tool belt and ZZTop. It was pouring outside and I left the garage door open to let it cool off.
Ah, to be young again! Ha. I can still get that feeling once again after years of practice. :( Nothing works. (I wiped off a painting last week, remember?) Of course there are the days that you are "in the zone" and all the practice pays off and the painting just rolls off the brush with no thoughts at all. You will get there. You are doing some great work.